Saturday 30 July 2016

My Bee

Today I tried to draw some bees for my other blog idea.  I had this idea for about a year... So just after this time I draw bee for it. Here is all my trials:

      All horrible! :D  I am 26 years old, but I can draw just like a kid. I gava tomy husband to choose one.  
     The end rezult :
Cute :) just I had to redraw it with GIMP program, so it took some time. But good job after a year :D

Saturday 16 July 2016


    Saturday is ending. Like always I haven't done anything useful. I feel so useless.. Had big plans, but it all gone to waist. And it is like this almost every weekend. 
     For a few days I have neglected my blog. Still no idea about what I could write! So frustrating!
     I can write just about myself and my life. It is the only thing that I have good knowledge. So...

     Yesterday I got a new haircut :D Cut mu long hair till chin length. I feel very happy. But you are really not interested about that. You don't know how I looked and how I look now.

     I thought writing some stories. In my mind I am always daydreaming, creating some stories where I am big heroine, have some big powers and etc... Quite often because of these stories I lay in bed and can't sleep. Would be nice to share these stories, just I would be afraid that they will be hated.... And there is one more thing. If I upload story on the Internet it easily can be stolen. I would hate that! Because you need to put so much work to writing story. I am not sure if I would be capable to do this. One thing is to have story and other to put it into word, and into language that it is not my native. Why I am not writing this blog and do not want to write stories in my native language? I am from small country, and number of people who can read in my native language is so small compared with English.  English probably is the most commonly spoken language.
     And about what I was writing... Aaa... I am useless... All Saturday sitting and watching anime... or Youtube videos, reading manga. I am feeling guilty, that I haven't done anything usefull. I could at least do face mask. I am bad lady.... I do not care about my looks (At least, most of the time).

    Now I am watching "Snow White with the Red Hair". Sweet romance anime. I tried to read manga to, but just have read a few chapters. I don't know even if I will finish watching this anime. It is good, but I am not feeling that enthusiastic about it. Maybe my mood not for it no. Or maybe guilt is killing mu enthusiasm.
     At least I had written a blog. Useless blog, but still I feel I have accomplished something :)

      See you next time! 
      I hope your Saturday was more useful than mine!

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Easy ladies lunch!

      I live not far from my work, about ten minutes walk. When I am working full day like today, I always spend my one hour luch at home. Becouse of the walk I have at home about 35 minutes (added some extra minutes if something happens or to put and take items from the locker). And in that time I need to cook something and eat it. And it is not much time.... But today I have done very easy lunch and still have time to write about it :D

Ladies lunch!
  • some leftover boiled rice from yesterday evening
  • precooked king prawns with garlic and parsley
            Just to put precooked king prawn fry a few minutes and add rice, fry one more minute while mixing and it is ready to eat! Enjoy!
      P.S. It is "Ladies lunch" because king prawns is not simple food:)


What to write ?

      It is just a beginning and I am already don't know what to write....
      I haven't read any blogs, so I decided to check what others are writing. I searched for a most popular bogs, all of them looked like just normal Internet pages, not blogs. load of blogs are writing about fashion, politics, travel or teaching something... I am not interested in fashion. I am simple plain woman. I hate politics. I love to travel, but I don't have that much money to travel often enough for writing a blog. Teaching something? I don't think that I know something that others don't. So checking other blogs didn't help... Maybe I need to search for not that popular blogs.
      I want to establish blog, that people could visit and leave with smile on their faces, with warm heart or with some new knowledge.
      One of my dreams is to write at least one good story or book in my life. Maybe I need to try doing that in here. Or just to continue blabbering about anything :D It could be like training in writing. English isn't my first language, so I really need more experience in writing stuff.
      I feel lost... I want to write blog, but about what people would be interested... or just to write to ease my heart for myself :DDD

     Today bird flew into y window, hit it and fall.... I feel so sad for it ;((( And my window is not that clean. Maybe bird was ill.... I hope it will be alright for him....

      See you next time!!! I hope you haven't fallen asleep while reading my blabbering! :DDD Have a nice day!

Tuesday 12 July 2016


        Todays photo was taken few years ago on spring in Roze garden in Greenwich park.
        At that time I really wanted to see Roze garden, but I was a little disapointed, because not all rozes bloom at the same time, so some of them were dead, some not yet bloomin and just some blooming. But it was still beautiful :)


Thats how it looked from further away.

And more beauties from that day! :

  P.S. I haven't used any photoshop on any of these pictures. Rozes bythemselfs are beautiful :))))

        See you next time! ;))

Monday 11 July 2016

Metalic bird

       This metalic bird is somewhere near westminster (London) on some building roof. I have taken this picture in april from Westminsters abbey garden (I think, it was lon time ago).

        Sometimes I like taking pictures. On our travels I always doing this, because no one else wants :D . I even bought better camera, but not yet profecional. It was uses and cheap, but I think now for me enough. I am not plannig to become profetional, just sometimes, oh, not sometimes, but always I want perpetuate evening sky. It is always so beautiful... But I think no picture can convey reality and you need very good photo camera and skills to take pictures that would look close to reality.
      But I have one thing. I don't like people in my photos. I have quite a number of pictures of nature and architecture, or things.  I think I will share them, it can be the thing for this section. It's nice to share nice pictures :).
    Just I think that I need to create some signature to my photos to mark them.... I need some inspiration...

    See you next time! :)

Me and blogging

      All my free time I love spending with a computer. Now most of the time I read manga, but I think I already have read the best ones. So again I have more free time and decided to try writing a blog. It is not a first time for me. Blogs before for me were missing something, I stopped writing them. It felt like I am writing not exactly what I want, what I feel need to write.
     So I have created this blog. It will be like a new start for me, maybe and a new start for my life. Why I call it new start?  I want to change.
    I love myself and my life, at least most of it. But I hate that I am lazy. Most of the time I just dream that I want to do something, but rarely do it. Always thinking that I can try to do it next day, next week, or next year. I want to have my blog, but I always were too lazy to write it. In my previous blog I had written few post and that's all. I hate this thing about my self that I start something and I drop it soon or even don't start it... I will try to kick myself this time and write it! When writing maybe I will find myself and decide what I want to do with my life. I am 26 and I still don't now what I want to do with my life... I am ashamed of myself...
    I wantded to have happy family, it was my goal. Now I have really good husband that I love and he loves me. We don't have children yet. But now I think I needed to have more goals in my life, to live more, to be more happy!
    I hope everyone who will read this blog are living their live to the fulliest or atleast trying.

   And I hope we all can become friends! Friends are important in this life!

   See you next time! Be happy!!! ;)