Wednesday 13 July 2016

What to write ?

      It is just a beginning and I am already don't know what to write....
      I haven't read any blogs, so I decided to check what others are writing. I searched for a most popular bogs, all of them looked like just normal Internet pages, not blogs. load of blogs are writing about fashion, politics, travel or teaching something... I am not interested in fashion. I am simple plain woman. I hate politics. I love to travel, but I don't have that much money to travel often enough for writing a blog. Teaching something? I don't think that I know something that others don't. So checking other blogs didn't help... Maybe I need to search for not that popular blogs.
      I want to establish blog, that people could visit and leave with smile on their faces, with warm heart or with some new knowledge.
      One of my dreams is to write at least one good story or book in my life. Maybe I need to try doing that in here. Or just to continue blabbering about anything :D It could be like training in writing. English isn't my first language, so I really need more experience in writing stuff.
      I feel lost... I want to write blog, but about what people would be interested... or just to write to ease my heart for myself :DDD

     Today bird flew into y window, hit it and fall.... I feel so sad for it ;((( And my window is not that clean. Maybe bird was ill.... I hope it will be alright for him....

      See you next time!!! I hope you haven't fallen asleep while reading my blabbering! :DDD Have a nice day!

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