Monday 11 July 2016

Me and blogging

      All my free time I love spending with a computer. Now most of the time I read manga, but I think I already have read the best ones. So again I have more free time and decided to try writing a blog. It is not a first time for me. Blogs before for me were missing something, I stopped writing them. It felt like I am writing not exactly what I want, what I feel need to write.
     So I have created this blog. It will be like a new start for me, maybe and a new start for my life. Why I call it new start?  I want to change.
    I love myself and my life, at least most of it. But I hate that I am lazy. Most of the time I just dream that I want to do something, but rarely do it. Always thinking that I can try to do it next day, next week, or next year. I want to have my blog, but I always were too lazy to write it. In my previous blog I had written few post and that's all. I hate this thing about my self that I start something and I drop it soon or even don't start it... I will try to kick myself this time and write it! When writing maybe I will find myself and decide what I want to do with my life. I am 26 and I still don't now what I want to do with my life... I am ashamed of myself...
    I wantded to have happy family, it was my goal. Now I have really good husband that I love and he loves me. We don't have children yet. But now I think I needed to have more goals in my life, to live more, to be more happy!
    I hope everyone who will read this blog are living their live to the fulliest or atleast trying.

   And I hope we all can become friends! Friends are important in this life!

   See you next time! Be happy!!! ;)

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