Saturday 16 July 2016


    Saturday is ending. Like always I haven't done anything useful. I feel so useless.. Had big plans, but it all gone to waist. And it is like this almost every weekend. 
     For a few days I have neglected my blog. Still no idea about what I could write! So frustrating!
     I can write just about myself and my life. It is the only thing that I have good knowledge. So...

     Yesterday I got a new haircut :D Cut mu long hair till chin length. I feel very happy. But you are really not interested about that. You don't know how I looked and how I look now.

     I thought writing some stories. In my mind I am always daydreaming, creating some stories where I am big heroine, have some big powers and etc... Quite often because of these stories I lay in bed and can't sleep. Would be nice to share these stories, just I would be afraid that they will be hated.... And there is one more thing. If I upload story on the Internet it easily can be stolen. I would hate that! Because you need to put so much work to writing story. I am not sure if I would be capable to do this. One thing is to have story and other to put it into word, and into language that it is not my native. Why I am not writing this blog and do not want to write stories in my native language? I am from small country, and number of people who can read in my native language is so small compared with English.  English probably is the most commonly spoken language.
     And about what I was writing... Aaa... I am useless... All Saturday sitting and watching anime... or Youtube videos, reading manga. I am feeling guilty, that I haven't done anything usefull. I could at least do face mask. I am bad lady.... I do not care about my looks (At least, most of the time).

    Now I am watching "Snow White with the Red Hair". Sweet romance anime. I tried to read manga to, but just have read a few chapters. I don't know even if I will finish watching this anime. It is good, but I am not feeling that enthusiastic about it. Maybe my mood not for it no. Or maybe guilt is killing mu enthusiasm.
     At least I had written a blog. Useless blog, but still I feel I have accomplished something :)

      See you next time! 
      I hope your Saturday was more useful than mine!

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